開講年度 2023年度 登録コード G2B45614
授業名 「人間の安全保障」ゼミ
Seminar on Human Security
講義期間 前期 曜日・時限 金2 講義室 共通教育313演習室 単位数 2
対象学生 授業形態 演習 備考  
授業で学べる「テーマ」 多文化協働
全学横断特別教育プログラム グローバルコア人材養成コース ・ BASIC(国際理解)

(2)授業の概要  In this seminar, the students' awareness of the problems we are facing in today's world will be considered through the concept of human security in the form of exercises and presentations.
 The first lecture will give a broad overview of the "concept of human security". In the second and third sessions, students will deepen their awareness of the issues and explore relevant literature (see the eALPS page of this seminar for literature). From the fourth session onwards, students are asked to make presentations and hold discussions. Finally, they will compile their findings into a report, including their personal opinions.
 Through these presentations, discussions and reports, students will acquire problem-finding and problem-solving skills and communication skills.
(3)授業のキーワード人間の安全保障、課題発見・解決,討論,グループワーク, レポートのフィードバック
(4)授業計画第1回 ガイダンス 
第2回 decide a topic and gather literature
第3回 deepen problem awareness of the chosen topic
第4回 発表と討論:Human Security as Foreign Policy
第5回 発表と討論:Human Security and Law
第6回 発表と討論:Human Security and State Power
第7回 発表と討論:Human Security and Armed Conflicts
第8回 発表と討論:Human Security and Terrorism
第9回 発表と討論:Human Security in the Digital Age
第10回 発表と討論:Human Security and the Health Care Sector
第11回 発表と討論:Human Security and the Pandemic
第12回 発表と討論:Human Security and Dignity
第13回 発表と討論:Human Security and Religion
第14回 発表と討論:Human Security for Migrants
第15回 Plenary discussion: summary of human security concepts
(第4回~第14回:provisional topics. The order of the topics or the topics themself can be changed depending on the expertise etc. of the participants.)
(5)成績評価の方法The grade is composed of presentations (30%), active participation in the discussions (30%) and a written report (40%)
(6)成績評価の基準1. presentation (30%) using following criteria for evaluation:
 a) Whether the student has sufficiently read and processed literature related to the chosen topic  (10%).
 b) Whether personal opinions were represented persuasively (10%).
 c) Whether the presentation method was ingenious and university level (10%).

2. Evaluating active participation in discussion (30%) includes the following criteria:
 a) Whether the student undertook efforts to understand other students' presentations (1 point each time).
 b) Whether the student actively expresses his/her own ideas in response to other students' presentations (1 point each time).

3. The report (40%) will be evaluated according to following criteria:
 a) Whether the report has a style appropriate for an academic report (10%).
 b) Is the student able to present findings (10%) and personal opinions (10%) in a logical and persuasive manner?
 c) Whether the student is able to deepen his/her personal knowledge and opinion based on the presentation and discussion (10%).

・合計点が90点以上で「卓越している」, 80-89点で「かなり上にある」,70-79点で「やや上にある」,60-69点で「その水準にある」と評価する。
(7)事前事後学習の内容  Students have to
 (1) prepare the presentation on their chosen topic.
 (2) read the handouts / materials provided by the other participants beforehand.
 (3) write a report on their topic, including the findings from the discussion as well as their own opinion.
 Estimated weekly preparation time: 60 minutes
(8)履修上の注意The class will mainly be conducted in English. It will be possible for students to ask questions, complete some assignments and give presentations in Japanese.
【教科書】Information about materials will be posted on the class eALPS page at the beginning of the semester.
【添付ファイル】 なし
