開講年度 2023年度 登録コード G2B45414
授業名 Top Level English(Oral Communication)ゼミ
Top Level English(Oral Communication)
講義期間 後期 曜日・時限 金2 講義室 共通教育33講義室 単位数 2
対象学生 授業形態 演習 備考  
授業で学べる「テーマ」 多文化協働
全学横断特別教育プログラム グローバルコア人材養成コース ・ BASIC(国際理解)

(2)授業の概要The content of the class will be decided according to the needs of the students enrolled. Possible activities include the following: presentations; structured discussions and debates; and practice for the interview in international tests of English such as IELTS or Cambridge ESOL.
Studying Abroad
Speaking Proficiency
Critical Thinking
(4)授業計画1. Orientation
2. IELTS Speaking Test practice: Part 1.
3. IELTS Speaking Test practice: Part 1.
4. IELTS Speaking Test practice: Part 2 (2-minute talks).
5. IELTS Speaking Test practice: Part 2 (2-minute talks).
6. Discussion and Writing Topic 1: Volunteering.
7. Discussion and Writing Topic 1: Volunteering.
8. IELTS Speaking Test practice: Parts 1, 2 and 3.
9. IELTS Discussion Topic 2: Planning and Predicting.
10. IELTS Discussion Topic 3: Indoor Games.
11. IELTS Discussion Topic 3: Indoor Games.
12. IELTS Discussion Topic 4: The Media.
13. IELTS Speaking Test practice: Parts 2 and 3.
14. IELTS Speaking Test practice: Parts 2 and 3.
15. IELTS Speaking Test practice: Parts 2 and 3. 授業アンケート
(6)成績評価の基準授業で扱った内容などを英語で話す能力及び発信する能力が60%以上であれれば「水準にある(可)」, 70%以上であれば「やや上にある(良)」,80%以上であれば「かなり上にある(優)」,90%以上であれば「卓越している(秀)」とみなす。
(7)事前事後学習の内容具体的な内容は、 e-ALPSを通して連絡します。Check the class eALPS page before and after every class for information on assignments and on any preparation that needs to be completed before the next class.

(8)履修上の注意i) Please check the class eALPS page regularly for information about class activities and homework assignments.

ii) Please make sure that you always bring a computer to class. For some classes it may be necessary to download a file to your computer before the class.

iii) All assignments will need to be submitted on eALPS. Please do not submit assignments by email. If you have any questions or need to contact me for any reason, you are very welcome to send me an email. But always mail me from your University mail address (not from a private email address) and include your name in the mail somewhere.

(9)質問,相談への対応Contact me by phone (37-2927, ext 7209) or email (address available on the class eALPS page) if you have any questions about the class.
【添付ファイル】 なし
