開講年度 2023年度 登録コード G2B45303
授業名 シェイクスピアを読むゼミ
Read Shakespeare in English
講義期間 後期 曜日・時限 木2 講義室 共通教育35講義室 単位数 2
対象学生 授業形態 演習 備考 英米文化講読Ⅲ
授業で学べる「テーマ」 芸術文化、多文化協働
全学横断特別教育プログラム グローバルコア人材養成コース ・ BASIC(国際理解)

(2)授業の概要In each class students will: i) read a section of the play in groups; ii) work together to discuss a set of questions relating to what they have read; and iii) watch a version of the scene(s). We will pay close attention to Shakespeare's language. But students will also be asked to bring along a Japanese translation so that the difficulty of the English does not prevent them from understanding the play's themes.
(3)授業のキーワードEnglish Literature, Drama, Renaissance, Shakespeare
(4)授業計画The main outline of the course will be given by the play itself, which will be read in its entirety during the term. The textbook will have notes to explain difficult vocabulary and students will be required to prepare carefully for each class by reading scenes from the play by themselves beforehand.
1回目 ガイダンス
2回目 Act 1
3回目 Act 1
4回目 Act 1
5回目 Act 2
6回目 Act 2
7回目 Act 2
8回目 Act 3
9回目 Act 3
10回目 Act 3
11回目 Act 4
12回目 Act 4
13回目 Act 4
14回目 Act 5
15回目 Act 5 & 授業アンケート
(5)成績評価の方法Students' grades will depend on participation in the classroom, quizzes and written work.

Participation (20%)
Quizzes (30%)
Final report (50%)
(6)成績評価の基準To obtain an S-grade (90%-) students must participate fully, show they have a sophisticated understanding of the critical issues in the play and be able to express an original response with exceptional clarity. To obtain an A-grade (80%-89%) students need to demonstrate an excellent understanding of the major themes of the play and to be able to present their arguments in a clearly organized manner. Students will receive a B-grade (70%-79%) if they can show a good understanding of the play and express some clear opinions about at least one of the key questions. To obtain a passing or C-grade (60%-69%) students need to demonstrate a basic understanding of the play and be able to respond to simple questions about the plot and main characters.
(7)事前事後学習の内容予習復習の指示は、e-ALPSを通じて行います。Check the class eALPS page before and after every class for information on assignments and on any preparation that needs to be completed before the next class.

(8)履修上の注意This class will entail working through a challenging text in a relatively short time. The pace of the class will be fairly fast and preparation will be very important. There will not be time to understand every word of the play. What will be far more important will be to think about the ideas and themes. Students should also bear in mind that the text is a dramatic work. Shakespeare intended what he wrote to be spoken by actors on the stage. Students will be asked to work actively in groups not only to read the play, but also to think about how it should be performed. During the orientation session the teacher will distribute a detailed plan for the term showing which scenes from the play will be read during each lesson. Students must pay very close attention to this plan so as not to waste time reading the wrong parts of the play. Please register on the class e-ALPS page where information and worksheets will be posted regularly.
(9)質問,相談への対応My office is on the 3rd floor of the School for General Education (共通教育第1講義棟 3F). Contact me by phone (37-2927, ext 7209) or email (address available on the class eALPS page) to make an appointment.
【教科書】William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream (Oxford School Shakespeare, ed. by Roma Gill) (Oxford University Press, 2009)

ISBN-13: 978-0198328667
【添付ファイル】 なし
