開講年度 2023年度 登録コード G1D11814
授業名 クリティカル・リーディングⅡ(中級)
Critical ReadingⅡ
講義期間 後期 曜日・時限 月2 講義室 共通教育401演習室 単位数 1
対象学生 TⅠ(水土・質・建)《4》 授業形態 実習 備考  
授業で学べる「テーマ」 多文化協働

学士の称号にふさわしい基礎学力と専門的学力大学での学修の土台となるAcademic Skillsを使えるようになる。
(2)授業の概要様々なジャンルの英語文章 ( 例えば学術講義、講演、討論、雑誌・新聞、映像作品のスクリプト、文学作品等 ) の内容や意図を正確に把握し、分析・解釈・評価等を行うことにより、アカデミックな英語文章をクリティカルに読み解く姿勢を身につけていく。その際、クリティカルな読解力・思考力の育成に配慮した教材を用いて、分析、解釈、評価などのスキルが身につくよう工夫する。
( Critical Readingとは、単に文章を訳し理解する受動的な読解のことではなく、より文章に積極的に働きかけ、その内容や意図を吟味し、分析・解釈・評価する読解のことを意味する。)

(3)授業のキーワードCritical Reading and Critical Thinking
(4)授業計画Week 1: Unit 5, Music, Reading 1: Seeing Music. Reading Comprehension. Vocabulary Practice.
Week 2: Unit 5, Music, Reading 2: Earworms: The Songs in Your Head. Reading Comprehension. Vocabulary Practice.
Week 3: Unit 5, Music, Unit Review. (Vocabulary Review & Connect the Readings).
Week 4: Unit 6, Animal Groups, Reading 1: Living Together. Reading Comprehension. Vocabulary Practice.
Week 5: Unit 6, Animal Groups, Reading 2: The Genius of Swarms. Reading Comprehension. Vocabulary Practice.
Week 6: Unit 6, Animal Groups: Unit Review (Vocabulary Review & Connect the Readings).
Week 7 Unit 7, Making News, Reading 1: Accidental Reporters. Reading Comprehension. Vocabulary Practice.
Week 8 Unit 7, Making News, Reading 2: Telling Kibera’s Story. Reading Comprehension. Vocabulary Practice.
Week 9 Unit 7, Making News: Unit Review (Vocabulary Review & Connect the Readings).
Week 10 Unit 8, Noise and Light, Reading 1: Noisy Earth. Reading Comprehension. Vocabulary Practice.
Week 11 Unit 8, Noise and Light, Reading 2: Our Vanishing Night. Reading Comprehension. Vocabulary Practice.
Week 12 Unit 8, Noise and Light, Unit Review
Week 13 Unit 9, Expressions, Reading 1: In your Face. Reading Comprehension. Vocabulary Practice.
Week 14 Unit 9, Expressions, Reading 2: The Science of Smiles. Reading Comprehension. Vocabulary Practice.
Week 15 Final Summative Activity, 授業改善アンケート
Week 16 Summative Assessment
(5)成績評価の方法・Critical Readingに関する課題など(spot quizzes, in-class tasks, reading/writing)(50%)
(7)事前事後学習の内容・Students need to come to class prepared (having done the readings, preparatory writing, etc.).
(8)履修上の注意Reading is not a passive skill. In this class you will be expected to actively engage with the reading and with each other.
(9)質問,相談への対応I can be reached by email. I will provide my contact information on the first day of class and in the LMS. Please allow at least 24 hours for a response, and I might respond to questions with a message to the entire class rather than individually.
(10)授業への出席Students must be in class and on time in order to receive credit for attendance. Groups will be created in the first few minutes of the class and students who come late will disturb other students.

All work must be completed regardless of whether class is attended or not! The work in class builds on what has been done before and what has been done at home.

【教科書】Gordon, D., Blass, L. (2020). Reading and Vocabulary Focus 2. United States: Cengage Learning. ISBN: 9780357737972
【添付ファイル】 なし
