開講年度 2023年度 登録コード G1D11709
授業名 クリティカル・リーディングⅠ(中級)
Critical ReadingⅠ
講義期間 前期 曜日・時限 金2 講義室 共通教育401演習室 単位数 1
対象学生 MⅠ(保)《2》 授業形態 実習 備考  
授業で学べる「テーマ」 多文化協働

(2)授業の概要Critical ReadingⅠでは、専門課程での学術探究にも寄与するAcademic Skills ( Critical Reading & Critical Thinking ) の向上を目指し、多様な内容・スタイルのアカデミックな英語文章をクリティカルに読み、自分の意見や考えを批評的に述べる力を育成する。
様々なジャンルの英語文章 ( 例えば学術講義、講演、討論、雑誌・新聞、映像作品のスクリプト、文学作品等 ) の内容や意図を正確に把握し、分析・解釈・評価等を行うことにより、アカデミックな英語文章をクリティカルに読み解く姿勢を身につけていく。その際、クリティカルな読解力・思考力の育成に配慮した教材を用いて、分析、解釈、評価などのスキルが身につくよう工夫する。

( Critical Readingとは、単に文章を訳し理解する受動的な読解のことではなく、より文章に積極的に働きかけ、その内容や意図を吟味し、分析・解釈・評価する読解のことを意味する。)

(3)授業のキーワードCritical Reading, Critical Thinking, Active Participation, Learner Autonomy, Vocabulary Enhancement.
(4)授業計画The following semester schedule is subject to change, depending on the specific learning requirements of this (Friday morning) "Critical Reading I" class:

1.) Orientation and Topic: A Memorable Experience; (A) activities: topic focus and language focus: Words to describe experiences and feelings, Interviewing classmates about memorable experiences, and setting the scene and using time expressions to tell a story
2.) Topic: A Memorable Experience; (B) Organization focus – brainstorming ideas and creating an outline for a presentation
3.) Topic: A Memorable Experience; (C) Presentation focus on the introduction, body, and conclusion of a presentation, and listening to a model presentation
4.) Topic: A Memorable Experience: (D) Presentation skills focus including using stress and emphasis with really, so, and very for Present yourself -
5.) Topic: A Memorable Experience;(E) Present Yourself.
6.) Topic : Show me how: (A) activities
7.) Topic: Show me how: (B) activities
8.) Topic: Show me how: (C) activities
9.) Topic: Show me how: (D) activities
10.) Topic: Show me how: (E) activities
11.) Topic: Movie Magic: (A) activities
12.) Topic: Movie Magic n: (B) activities  
13.) Topic: Movie Magic: (C) activities
14.)  Topic: Movie Magic: (D) activities
15.) Topic: Movie Magic: (E) activities 
16.) 期末試験・まとめ・授業アンケート

Kindly note that in addition to the fifteen textbook-based lectures, students will also be given teacher-generated supplementary reading materials. These supplementary reading materials will consist of English (daily) newspaper activities.
(5)成績評価の方法・Critical Readingに関する課題など(50%)
(7)事前事後学習の内容Students are expected to complete their homework, or to complete other assignments, in advance of each weekly class session. Students are also expected to review and to consolidate the material covered in class after each weekly class session. Additionally, reading English newspapers or news magazines, and watching the televised evening news in English, would assist students in maximizing their learning potential in this Friday morning "Critical Reading I" class.

※ この授業は1単位のため、15時間以上の授業時間外学習を必要とします。
(9)質問,相談への対応Students may contact me via e-mail twenty-four hours per day, seven days per week. My Shinshu University e-mail address is: "sean@shinshu-u.ac.jp".

Alternatively, students can meet with me in person, after having arranged (well in advance) a mutually-convenient consultation time. Typically, such a mutually-convenient consultation might occur either before class or after class.
【教科書】Title: “Caring For People” (医療分野で働くためのコミュニケーションコース)

ISBN: 978-4-86312-256-7.

Authors: Takao Okada, Michiko Mayuzumi, Tamiko Miyatsu, Philip Hinder, Kyoko Shida, Masako Sugita, & Iwao Yamashita.

Publisher: センゲージ ラーニング株式会社 (2014).

<<価格: \2,000 (Excluding Tax).>>
【参考書】An English-Japanese, or English-English, dictionary would be a very useful supplement to this course. In addition, a red pen, plus at least one "highlighter" marker, will be necessary for each of the sixteen class sessions. This "highlighter" marker can be any color at all:
yellow, orange, pink, blue, green, et cetera.
【添付ファイル】 なし
