開講年度 2023年度 登録コード G1D11423
授業名 アカデミック・イングリッシュ・フェイズⅡ(B)(上級)
Academic English PhaseⅡ(B)
担当教員 GRAY DAVID JOHN 副担当  
講義期間 後期 曜日・時限 水4 講義室 共通教育24講義室 単位数 1
対象学生 MⅠ(医)(4) 授業形態 実習 備考  
授業で学べる「テーマ」 多文化協働

学士の称号にふさわしい基礎学力と専門的学力大学での学修の土台となるAcademic Skillsを使えるようになる。
(2)授業の概要上述のねらいを達成するために、Academic Writing及びAcademic Speakingの演習を行う。
・Academic Writing:
・Academic Speaking:
(3)授業のキーワードAcademic Writing  Academic Speaking  Academic Presentation
Natural Expression
(4)授業計画Through lectures, reading and communicative activities students will build upon the improvisation skills they learned in the first semester. The activities and content covered in the 2nd semester will depend on progress made in the first semester.  The course will continue to help them to learn how to communicate more freely, quickly and responsively; avoiding overthinking and hesitating.

Lesson 1:  Introduction to the 2nd semester topics of the course

Improvisation and writing assignments will support their mid-term and final presentations

Lesson 2 to 4:  

Various communicative activities: to help students reconnect after their summer break.  We will quickly rebuild trust and confidence and to help them better support each other in interdependent communicative group activities

Students learn to analyze their improvisation presentations in journal writing and group work.

A review of concepts and skills covered in the first semester followed by learning more concepts, "rules" and methods concerning group improvisation. For much of the semester we will work on "taking initiative" through using gestures, object work, environment work and/or dialogue ... We will often use "David's Activity #1 and #2" to help us achieve this.  

Lesson 5 to 7 preparation and practice for more advanced small-group improvised "presentations"

Lesson 8 Review and Mid-term test on the improvisation concepts, methods and "rules" learned  in the first half of the semester.

Lesson 8 or 9  Review and Mid-term presentation based on previous improvisation and writing preparation

Lessons 8 to 13   Further lessons on improvisation key concepts, methods and rules for communicating/presenting to within groups and/or to an audience. More challenging activities requiring quicker reactions and responses as well as a great level of cooperation and interdependence in group work.
Learn the "components of story telling" and try to have them included in our scenes.

Writing assignments, including journal writing to support final presentation.

Lessons 14  *
Practice improvisation  performances for final presentation.
Final Test on concepts and best practices for Improvisation.  
  University survey

Lessons 15 & 16 *
Final Presentations/Performances: individual and/or group.
University survey ・授業アンケート

* the plan is for this course to have 16 lessons.

・communication activities and writing preparation and reflection (in a journal) (30%)
・mid term presentation and test(15% + 15% = 30%) Total = 60%

・Final presentation(s) (40%)
(6)成績評価の基準・授業で行った英語コミュニケーション運用能力(CEFR: Lower B1)と同レベルの問題が60%以上解ければ「水準にある(可)」、70%以上解ければ「やや上にある(良)」、80%以上解ければ「かなり上にある(優)」、90%以上解ければ「卓越している(秀)」とみなす。
(7)事前事後学習の内容Will have speaking preparation for midterm and end of term presentations.  Homework completion (often journal writing) will be checked as it will be necessary for effective group work.

Important: when absent, students are responsible for finding out classwork, group work and homework for the class they missed.



This course has no textbook.  Students will take notes from lectures.
(9)質問,相談への対応The teacher will typically be available in the part-time teachers’room on the 3rd floor of the General Education Building after class.  

David Gray:  dgray@shinshu-u.ac.jp
【教科書】Students will learn in the first class about what kind of journal they should buy and use.  (The appropriate size etc...)  This journal will be used for notes and reflections.
There is no textbook.

【添付ファイル】 なし
