開講年度 2023年度 登録コード G1D11135
授業名 アカデミック・イングリッシュ・フェイズⅠ(A)(中級)
Academic English PhaseⅠ(A)
講義期間 前期 曜日・時限 火2 講義室 共通教育26講義室 単位数 1
対象学生 FⅠ(6) 授業形態 実習 備考  
授業で学べる「テーマ」 多文化協働

学士の称号にふさわしい基礎学力と専門的学力大学での学修の土台となるAcademic Skillsを使えるようになる。
(2)授業の概要上述のねらいを達成するために、Academic Reading及びAcademic Writingの演習を行う。
・Academic Reading:
・Academic Writing:
(3)授業のキーワードAcademic Reading  Academic Writing
Natural Expression
(4)授業計画1. Orientation
2. Reading and writing
3. Brainstorming for topics
4. How to pitch an idea
5. Elevator pitches
6. Structure of writing
7. Plot summaries
8. The writing process
9. Elements of good writing
10. Writing schedules and deadlines
11. Different kinds of paragraphs
12. Editing and common mistakes in writing
13. Final drafts
14. Presentations
15. Review and Course Feedback Questionnaires

This plan may change depending on the needs of the class.
(5)成績評価の方法Grades will be based on weekly online activities (60%) including quizzes and forums and end of term assignment and final presentation (40%).
(6)成績評価の基準Assessment will be based on quality and quantity of work. Students need 60% to pass, 70% for a B, 80% for an A, and 90% for an S.
(7)事前事後学習の内容Details of assignments can be found on e-ALPS.
Students will be expected to read regularly in and out of class.
Students should spend at least 15 hours studying outside class to get a credit.
(8)履修上の注意Students will only get better at English by using English.
The teacher will use English in class, and expect students to use English too.
Grade will depend on online activity.
(9)質問,相談への対応To arrange an appointment with Mark Brierley, please contact mark2@shinshu-u.ac.jp.
(10)授業への出席 授業は全ての回に出席することを基本とし、この授業の達成目標に到達するためには12回以上の出席が必要です。


【教科書】Students will only get better at English by using English.
The teacher will use English in class, and expect students to use English too.
Students should read books that can be borrowed from the library.
【参考書】If used carefully, English-English, and English-Japanese dictionaries can be very useful to learn English.
【添付ファイル】 なし
