開講年度 2022年度 登録コード G2B46118
授業名 国際共修ICL-Channelsゼミ (英)【EA】
Intercultural Collaborative Learning, ICL - Channels Seminar (English)【EA】
担当教員 仙石 祐 副担当  
講義期間 後期 曜日・時限 集不定 講義室   単位数 2
対象学生 All 授業形態 演習 備考  
授業で学べる「テーマ」 地域運営、環境共生、多文化協働、防災減災、キャリア
授業で扱う「志向」(本学で重点的に育成するマインド) グローバル
全学横断特別教育プログラム グローバルコア人材養成コース ・ BASIC(国際共修)

・You can collect, understand, and transmit information about SDGs, earthquake recovery, cross-cultural understanding, industry-academia collaboration, Japanese culture and society, local community, and so on through collaboration with those who have different cultural backgrounds from your own.
・You can relativize different culture from your own and make basis for multicultural coexistence.
The course is aimed for acquiring credits in Intercultural Collaborative Learning, ICL courses conducted by Tohoku University, Fukushima University, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Osaka University, and Kobe University as Top Global University Project "Acceleration of Internationalization at Home through the Development of Intercultural Collaborative Learning Network".
(2)授業の概要You can refer to syllabuses of the ICL courses by five universities above mentioned. There are wide range of contents of the ICL courses and major language for learning is English. Year/term is 2022 second semester.
Intercultural collaborative learning aims to foster mutual understanding among students from different linguistic and cultural backgrounds and includes group work and PBL.
(3)授業のキーワードSDGs, Earthquake Recovery, Cross-Cultural Understanding, Industry-Academia Collaboration, Japanese Culture and Society, Local Community, Group Work, COIL
(4)授業計画Refer to the syllabuses of the ICL courses by the five universities.
(5)成績評価の方法Assessment of academic achievement in the five universities will be transferred appropriately and positively to Shinshu University, and your credits will be approved according to the assessment.
(6)成績評価の基準Refer to the syllabuses of the ICL courses by the five universities.
(7)事前事後学習の内容Refer to the syllabuses of the ICL courses by the five universities and follow instructions by professors in charge.
(8)履修上の注意Students who want to take this course have to attend the guidance conducted by Shinshu University Center for Global Education and Collaboration in advance. Don't forget to register for the courses you are going to take not only in Shinshu University but also in the university the courses are offered. Detail will be explained in the guidance.

Some class schedules are different from each university. You have to be careful of them and do not be late or absent in the classes.
You have to pay your own expense if there is charges involved in the courses.

Top Global University Project "Acceleration of Internationalization at Home through the Development of Intercultural Collaborative Learning Network"
(9)質問,相談への対応About contents of the ICL courses: consult professors in charge.
About acquiring credits in this course: consult SENOGKU (sengoku@shinshu-u.ac.jp).
【教科書】Refer to the syllabuses of the ICL courses by the five universities and follow instructions by professors in charge.
【参考書】Refer to the syllabuses of the ICL courses by the five universities and follow instructions by professors in charge.
【添付ファイル】 なし
